Leasing - On Site Only
Horses Currently Available:
CA Destiny Gro+ (wide bodied 15 1/2 hh)
JAG Lady Pegasus+/ (wide 13.1 7/8th)
CBS Good To Go+ (wide bodied 16hh)
Horses Unavailable (May have possibility for Partial Lease):
JAG Royal Knight (wide 13.2hh)
JAG Kalico Kid+// (wide bodied 15.2hh)
Conkar+/ (15.2+hh)
(Please contact us for more information, see below, or see these horses under "Current Horses" tab.)
To view videos of lease horses visit:
Leasing Continued
JAG Arabian Sport Horses has 40 acres available for hacking & hillwork and a covered arena with lights and an outdoor jumping arena with lights. Our leases are definitely a wonderful way to get LOTS of one-on-one time with a horse - almost as if they were your own! We are looking for intermediate or higher rider that can maintain their level of training. Preferably seeking a solid training level dressage rider capable of asking a horse to do the following:
- Free walk
- Stretchy trot
- Trot-halt-trot
- Walk, trot, canter transitions
- Circles
- Serpentines
- Correctly ask for leads
- Half halt and utilize leg & seat aids
- With some first level knowledge [beginning knowledge of leg yields, extended trot & canter]
All horses can hack around on light rein for hunter or can collect up for dressage, enjoy attention and groom time, and trail rides or hill work around the farm as well as cavaletti and ground pole work!
Our biggest hope with lessees is that they develop a good relationship with a trainer (of lessee's choice based on approved list and open to other trainers upon approval) to learn, ask questions and work on correct exercises in and outside the arena to benefit horse and rider. We are BIG on cross training - so that means hacking the hills, trail riding, dressage type exercises, lateral work and ground pole/cavaletti/low gymnastics work so it's fun for both horse and rider and creates good habits and correct muscle building in both horse and rider for long term health and longevity. Leases allow us to focus on our green horses and on our horses scheduled to attend upcoming shows. This helps keep the ones that are not in a current show/training program in at least light condition and offers lessees an incredible opportunity to enjoy, spend time with and learn on a well trained horse. Again, our leases are an excellent way to get LOTS of one-on-one time with a horse - almost as if they were your own!
CA Destiny Gro+ 15 1/2hh wide body mare. 20 years old. Has been out of the show ring for years, but she is great to learn on as she has had upper level dressage schooling (tempis, half pass, passage, piaffe). She had professionally training by USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist, Amber Clark. Easy lead changes, easy lateral work, and loves attention and a good grooming or massage. Rides in a rubber, french link snaffle. Would be suitable for western dressage as well. Des does best being worked consistently 3 times a week (whether that's lunging, ground work/hand walking, hacking around the farm, or doing arena work). Des is out of shape coming out of winter and will need conditioning. She was leased this year for lower level hunter/dressage work from January 2017 until August 2017. 2006 Region 12 Champion, Reserve Champion and Top Five recipient. Video of Des:
JAG Lady Pegasus+/ 13.1 7/8 hh pony mare. 21 years old. 2015 National Top Ten Recipient and half sister to our multi-National Champion JAG Kalico Kid+/ and full sister to JAG Royal Knight 19th Medium Green Pony at 2014 USEF Pony Finals. USEF#: 4504166. Great for dressage work up to 2nd level though she is rusty dressage wise as she has spent the last year (August 2016 to August 2017) as a crossrails - 2' hunter pony. Would also be a great match for learning and showing Western Dressage. Peggy has been shown training and 1st level dressage with wins. Just a wonderful all around, athletic pony with smooth gaits and is consistently the hack winner. She can compete with the warmbloods and TBs on the flat. She is out of shape coming out of winter and will need conditioning. Video: Video:
CBS Good to Go+ 16hh+ gelding. Fancy hunter gelding or lower level dressage horse. Available only to an advanced rider.
Again, more videos of these horses can be seen at: and You can also see more photos and their show records and more about the farm/facilities on our website:
Our leases offer a great opportunity to learn on well-trained, show horses at a reasonable cost and small commitment at a beautiful facility with a fun and friendly environment and allows us to also focus training our young & green upcoming show horses. Short term leases only for Knight, Kid and Conkar as they will begin their show training and showing by March/April 2018. Please do not hesitate to reach out to in regards to availability or any questions you may have! Our top priority is to find the right match for horse and rider so please do not hesitate to ask about our significant discount options listed below. Short term 3 month leases are available.
Full lease is full board & use of facilities: $785.00 per month. Up to 5 rides per week. First priority for showing - shows do not count towards weekly rides, but horse is required to have two days off per week. Lessee is welcome to spend time with, groom and hand walk horse on non-ride days as horse's schedule allows. Horse must be worked consistently 3 times a week if you plan to jump, do advanced/2nd/3rd/4th or upper level dressage work, or show.
3/4 Lease is 3/4 board & use of facilities: $589.00 per month. 1 to 4 rides per week. First priority for showing - shows do not count towards weekly rides, but horse required to have two days off per week. Lessee is welcome to spend time with, groom and hand walk horse on non-ride days as horse's schedule allows. Horse must be worked consistently 3 times a week if you plan to jump, do advanced/2nd/3rd/4th or upper level dressage work, or show.
Half Lease is half board & use of facilities: $393.00 per month. 1 to 3 rides per week - shows do not count towards weekly ride time, but horse is required to have two days off per week. Requires prior scheduling of shows as well as scheduling of ride dates on a monthly basis in respect to potential other rider IF/WHEN leased by a 2nd person. Lessee is welcome to spend time with, groom and hand walk horse on non-ride days as horse's schedule allows. Horse must be worked consistently 3 times a week if you plan to jump, do advanced/2nd/3rd/4th or upper level dressage work, or show.
Partial Lease is partial board & use of facilities: $225.00 per month. 1 to 2 rides per week. Requires prior scheduling of ride dates on a monthly basis in respect to potential other rider IF/WHEN leased by a 2nd person. Includes use of the horse every other month for a show. Horse must be worked consistently 3 times a week if you plan to jump, do advanced/2nd/3rd/4th or upper level dressage work, or show. Third day of work will be ground work in form of a 12-15 minute lunging session with side reins or over ground poles and include a walk warm up and cool down and may include practice backing up and yielding sideways on the forehand and haunches. Lessee is welcome to spend time with, groom and hand walk horse on non-ride days as horse's schedule allows.
Leases include regular vet care, full care and board, use of facilities. Lessee welcome to come spend time with horse, groom, and hand walk on non-ride days as horse's schedule allows.
Our top priority is to find the right match for horse and rider so please do not hesitate to ask about our significant discount options listed below!
DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE (maximum of 2 can be applied):
1) Dependent on your horse & farm experience and our needs, we may offer a limited discount on the lease/board fee in return for doing special projects around the farm.
2) Discount for proof of the following (within the past 6 years): 1) Show record of 57% or higher at an USDF or AHA rated show in 2nd level or above 2) Show record of 59% or higher at local/schooling dressage show in 2nd level or above 3) Show record of finishing at a USEA rated competition in Beginner Novice or Above 4) Show record of placing 1st or 2nd place in Beginner Novice at local combined training show (out of 3 or more) 5) Show record of placing top 3 at 2'6" or above at USEF or USHJA rated show (out of 5 or more competitors). 6) Show record of champion or reserve champion (or first or second place) in 2'6" or above in local hunter/jumper show (out of 3 or more competitors)
3) Discount for those committed to show at rated USDF/AHA/USHJA shows (within first 3 months of lease). Discount will be provided on month following horse show.
4) Discount for 4 lessons (per month) with Charlotte Osborne (, Kim Sosebee ( or Stephanie Hartigan (
Additional fees will be (fees will be split if horse is leased by multiple individuals):
Farrier work - trim or shoes as needed per horse every 4-6 weeks. Front shoes required for horses in work. $85.00 unless farrier changes fee.
Chiropractic work - mandatory, at minimum, every 12 weeks. First session must be done within first 30 days of lease. $85.00 plus farm call unless vet changes fee.
Magnawave/PEMF therapy - once a month, OR exchanged with acupuncture/massage when needed.
Above is needed to maintain a happy, healthy athlete (based on recommendation of vet, trainer or owner & rider evaluation of horse's physical requirements)
Magnawave PEMF therapy is $65.00 unless service provider changes fee
Acupuncture is $125.00 plus farm call (discount for 3 treatments purchased in advance for the same horse)
Massage therapy is $75.00 unless service provider changes fee
Any additional vet work or maintenance over and above typical vet work (typical is coggins, shots, dental work) which includes daily joint & muscle supplements. Supplements MUST be started within first week or two of lease (within 7-14 days MAXIMUM). Supplements can be purchased wherever lessee finds best price. Suggested Joint Supplement: Uckele Equine Lubrigen Pellets (Around $54.99 for 30-60 day supply) Suggested Muscle Supplements: Med-Vet Mega-Cell (Around $23.52 for 40 day supply) OR Med-Vet In-Sync 4 ($65.43 for 32 day supply)
Electrolytes as needed for horse - may be especially useful after winter work outs & in the days prior to horse shows, hauling off site, & long clinics & lessons
UlcerGard preventative for long/tough horse shows or long trailer rides (if needed)
Trace or body clipping (if necessary), mane pulling, etc.
Lesson fee, and if competing show/trailer/coaching fees, to be paid directly to supplier.
If horse is half or partial leased by two individuals these costs will be split by lessees (1/3 paid for by partial lessee, 2/3 by half lessee) - for example farrier work, chiro/acupuncture/PEMF treatment, clipping, additional fees, supplements (if needed) is split between lessees. In full and 3/4 leases, lessee is responsible for emergency care when off-site with horse. In half and partial leases, lessee is responsible for half of emergency care.
Lessee provides their own saddle, helmet, other personal riding attire, cleaning products for horse and tack, liniment/poultice, fly spray, coat conditioner, hoof conditioner, and additional products required for shows unless otherwise arranged. Once a month, during warm weather, the lessee is required to bathe the entire horse or at least wash their face, tail and/or legs to prevent sweat, mud or dirt build up. Horsemanship is VERY important so be certain your tack stays clean and in good repair and that your horse is taken care of properly before and after riding (must be properly warmed up and cooled out, curried, brushed, feet picked, then followed by coat conditioner over the entire body and tail, Show Sheen in tail and, if needed, Keratex hoof product, fly spray, any treatment for cuts, etc.).
Lessee is provided with horse's bridle, halter, lead rope, girth, and outdoor blankets (winter waterproof & summer fly sheet). First aid products are provided for use. Half sheets, stable sheets, quarter sheets, sport boots, stable bandages and polos may be provided dependent on availability (may need to be purchased for offsite clinic or show use). Anything provided to lessee and broken will be replaced at cost of lessee. Please keep in mind by allowing you to borrow items such as coolers, sport boots, etc. we expect them to be cleaned and handled properly and treated as if they are your own. Show ONLY items should not be used for daily use or regular schooling. Hamp's Saddlery, Dover Saddlery, Atlanta Saddlery, and Tractor Supply are local resources you can go to. There are also a variety of online resources that provide great deals on products that we can assist with recommending.
All onsite leases must have a weekly lesson with approved dressage trainer(s) or our onsite hunter/jumper/equitation trainer. MINIMUM 2 DRESSAGE LESSONS PER MONTH WITH DRESSAGE SPECIFIC TRAINER. More lessons are certainly welcomed over the minimum 4. This is to be certain both rider and horse are working and growing together as a team AND so that rider has a consistent mentor.
We encourage cross training, time outside the arena walking the hills (highly recommend couple times a month, or weekly, as weather permits), along with both dressage and poles/cavaletti exercises in the arena. We attend local GHJA and GDCTA shows along with rated AHA & USDF shows if you are interested in competing. Showing is NOT required; however, may be a good option to discuss with your trainer as an opportunity to test your skills.
(Note: Additional information is linked on above underlined text)

We do not have any sale offerings.
We recommend several sources for wonderful sport horses:
Three Oaks Arabians & Training Center
Bob & Kelli Bennett
Swansea, South Carolina
(803)206-8989 -
Dale & Jennifer Brown and Family
Rentz, GA
(478) 290-2784 -
Cynthia Cubbage, LLC Sport Horses
Cynthia Cubbage
Augusta, GA
803) 270-7737 -
Ginn Farm Dressage & Sport Horses
Robin Ginn
Rentz, GA
(706) 245-8043 -
Also, please consider adopting your next horse if you are an experienced horse person! Or, if you want to donate your time and volunteer, please consider these rescues and horse therapy programs. These are some local rescues in Georgia. Please do your research and read if they are certified 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization (all donations are tax deductible) and run based on volunteers as we do not keep track of that information:
Dancing Cloud Farm Horse Rescue, Inc.:
Stamp Out Starvation of Horses:
Last Stop Horse Rescue:
Trinity Rescue Inc:
Fourway Rescue:
Redclay Rescue:
Idyll Acres Horse Rescue:
Save the Horses:
Georgia Equine Rescue League:
Second Chances Equine Rescue:
Begin Again Farms:
Sunkissed Acres:
The Sanctuary at Fleur de Lis Farm:
An entire list of rescues throughout the US:
Also please consider these Arabian/Saddlebred rescues:
Arabian Rescue Mission:
Grune Heidi Farm Rescue:
Arabian Horse Rescue & Education, Inc.:
Love This Horse Equine Rescue:
If you would like to volunteer your time helping with Theraputic Riding, please consider the following:
Special Equestrians of GA:
Heaven's Gait Therapeutic Riding:
Iron Horse Therapy: